Walter H. Ratcliff Landmark
Excerpt of LPC Meeting Action Minutes
City Report Dec 17, 2002
LPC Action Minutes
Public Works HISTORY
City Council APPEAL

Planning and Development Department Current Planning Division
Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Excerpt of Meeting Action Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2002


B. 1326 Allston Way - City of Berkeley Corporation Yard.
Public Hearing for Landmark Designation. Public Speakers: LA Wood-In favor of preserving entire Yard and all of its structures. Motion Comm. Edwards, seconded Comm. Korte; To close the Public Hewing. In Favor (8): Commissioners Dishnica, Edwards, Eichenfield, Korte, Morse, Olson, O'Malley and Rohrer. Abstained (1):

Comm. Enmiington. Action: Motion carried Motion Comm. O'Malley, Seconded Comm. Emmington: Re-open Public Hearing and establish an adhoc committee to visit the Site. The charge of the ad-hoc committee is to discern the extent of the original Ratcliff Building, open spaces and views (Comm. Edwards). In Favor (7): Commissioners Eichenfield, Korte, Morse, Olson, O'Malley, Emmington and Rohrer. Opposed (1): Comm. Edwards Abstained

(1): Comm. Dishnica Action; Motion carried. Ad-hoc Committee (Comm. Korte and Morse) established and scheduled to meet 6/7/02 at 5:00 at the Corporation Yard. Date:Monday, July 1, 2002

C. 1326 Allston Way - City of Berkeley Corporation Yard. Public Hearing for Landmark
Designation. Public Speakers: LA Wood -In favor of designation. Toni Horodysky- In favor of designation. Motion Comm. Edwards, Seconded Comm. Emmington: To close the Public Hearing In Favor (8): Commissioners Dishnica, Edwards, Eichenfield, Emmington, Korte, Morse, Olson, and Sachs Vacant (1): One position is currently vacant. Action: Motion carried. Motion Comm. Enunington, [no second]; To designate the Corporation Yard as a City of Beikeley Landmark and to call-out the significant features (both exterior and interior), to refer to the Site's historical importance, and to include the Ratcliffe Building and the garden set back. Action: Motion failed.

Substitute Motion Comm. Edwards, Seconded Comm. Dishnica: To designate as a Structure of Merit, which includes the Ratcliff Building and Site, excluding the trees. In Favor (2): Commissioners Dishnica and Edwards, Abstain (6): Commissioners Sachs, Eichenfield, Emmington, Korte, Morse, and Olson Vacant (I): One position is currently vacant. Action: Motion failed. New Motion Comm. Emmington, Seconded Comm. Eichenfield: To designate the entire Site as a landmark based upon the Staff report and assessment. In Favor (6): Commissioners Eichentield, Emmington, Korte, Morse, Sachs and Olson
Opposed (2): Commissioners Edwards and Dishnica Vacant (1): One position is currently vacant. Action: Motion carried

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